Introduction: All the times and places in our history, people have wondered,
"Where do we come from?
Where is our place on earth?
What happens to us when we die?" Religions are systems of belief that have evolved and evolved over time because of these and other mysteries, driven by the feeling that some questions can only be answered by faith and based on the idea that it is superior to us, supernatural, or a source from which we all come. Today I am taking about oldest religions of world.
Hinduism: It means Indian religions and it is approx 5000 year old. It's not just one religion, but many different beliefs and practices are related to spiritual practices. It goes back five thousand years to the time of Krishna, a man so handsome that he became known as the avatar of Vishnu, the character of the god in human form. He taught that all life follows karma, the law of cause and effect, and that it is our job to do our work, or dharma, according to our place in society without worrying about how things are going. When we die, we are born again as a new body. If we follow our dharma and do our right work in our past life, we get good karma, which sends our soul to the top of society. Our rebirth in the next life is determined by what we do in this regard. The wheel of rebirth is called a samsara. It is possible for a very holy person to live a life with good karma enough to escape the wheel. To escape this is called moksha. Hinduism teaches that everything is one. The universe is the ultimate reality called Brahman, and there is only one Brahman but many gods within it, and their roles, features, and forms vary according to different cultures. Brahma is the creator, Vishnu is the custodian sometimes taking on human form, and Shiva is the transformer, or King of Dance. Durga is a strong protective mother. Ganesha has an elephant's head and is a wise manager of success. Hinduism is the third largest religion in the world. And although most Hindus live in India, they can be found on every continent, with a billion powers.
Buddhism: But now let's go back 2500 years to India where Buddhism began with a young prince named Siddhartha. On the night of her pregnancy, her mother, Queen Maya, was allegedly visited by a sleeping elephant by a white elephant. Ten months later, Prince Siddartha was born into a life of luxury. Starting his secure life as a young man, he saw the suffering of the man hidden from him and began to investigate your sources.
Why should people endure suffering? Should we be born again with hundreds of lives?
At first he thought the problem was materialism, so he donated his possessions. He became a wandering beggar, and when he found him, he was not pleased with him. After that he heard the music teacher tell the student, "Don't tighten the strings too much, it will break. But don't let it go slow, or it will sound." Suddenly, he realized that the search for answers was in vain. The middle ground between luxury and poverty seemed prudent. As he meditated under a broom tree, the answer came to him. All life is full of suffering. It stems from a selfish desire to please others by harming others. Following an eight-step process can teach us to reduce that desire and thus reduce suffering. On that day, Siddhartha became a Buddha, enlightened. Not only that, but the first one. The Buddhist system is called the Eighth Way, and although it is not easy to follow, it has pointed the way for millions to be enlightened, which is what Buddhism means, the state of compassion, understanding, peace, and steadfastness. From the time he rose from under the tree until the moment he died of old age, the Buddha taught people how to be enlightened: the right speech, the right goals, the mind focused on reality, and the heart focused on love for others. Many Buddhists believe in God or deities, but deeds are more important than beliefs. There are about one million Buddhists in the world today, especially in the East, Southeast, and South Asia.
Christianity: Two thousand years ago, in the Promised Land of Judaism, Christianity was born. Just as Hindus refer to Krishna as "God in human form," so do Christians to Jesus, and Christianity to Judaism, just as Buddhism is to Hinduism. The angel Gabriel was sent by the God of Abraham to ask a young woman named Mary to be the mother of his son. The son was Jesus, who was raised as a carpenter by Mary and her husband Joseph, until he was 30 years old, when he began his public ministry as the living word of God. With less love for faith than justice and mercy, Jesus healed the sick so that he could draw crowds and teach them about his heavenly Father - who was loving, forgiving, and caring. Afterwards, he would invite everyone to a common table to show his Kingdom of God, the lost, the sinners, and the saints all eating together. He was only three years old before his extraordinary intelligence got him into trouble. His enemies arrested him, and he was killed by the Romans in the usual manner of rabble-rassers, by crucifixion. But shortly after his burial, women found his tomb empty and quickly spread the word, believing that he had been raised from the dead. The early Christians described his resurrection appearance, confirming the truthfulness of his message. Message: love one another as I have loved you. Christians celebrate the birth of Jesus in 25 Dec at Christmas, and his suffering, death and resurrection during Holy Week in the spring. At the ceremony of baptism, the remission of sins and acceptance into the Christian community, remember the baptism of Jesus Himself as He laid down His life as a carpenter. During the Lord's Evening Meal, Christians partake of the emblems of unleavened bread and wine at the Lord's Evening Meal, commemorating Jesus' last supper. There are two billion Christians worldwide, representing about a third of the world's population.
Muslims: it was originated 1400 years ago with a man of great beauty, meditating in a mountain cave in the Arabian desert. The man was Muhammad. He was visited by a divine messenger, and also the angel Gabriel, in Arabic, Jabriel, gave him the words of Allah, the one God of Abraham. Over the next few years, many messages came, and he memorized and taught them. The verses he read were full of wise sayings, sweet rhymes, and mysteries. But Muhammad was a merchant, not a poet. Many believe that these verses were, in fact, the words of God, and these believers became the first Muslims. The word Muslim means one who consecrates himself, which means one who submits to the will of God. The five most important works of Islam are called the five pillars: Shajada, Muslims proclaim publicly, there is no God but Allah, and Muhammad is his last prophet; Salat, they pray five times a day facing Mecca; Zakat, all Muslims are required to give 2 or 3% of their total amount to the poor; Sawm, they fasted during the afternoon of the month of Ramadan to strengthen their strength and their trust in God; and Hajj, once in a lifetime, every Muslim who is able to make the journey to the holy city of Mecca, sharpens the time when they will stand before God to be judged worthy or unworthy of eternal life with Him. The words of God, revealed to the prophet for over 23 years, are collected in the Quran, literally translating as "repetition." Muslims believe that the only scripture that does not contain human corruption. It is also considered by many to be an excellent work of literature in the Arabic language. Islam is the second-largest religion in the world, practiced by more than 1.5 billion Muslims worldwide.
Conclusion: Religion has been a feature of culture since its inception, and there are countless variations in its practice. Every religion is try to taught us be more human by leaving all angers and greed. We have to use our brain before being blind follower, we have to know that what is written on our holy books. Fight for resolving problem not to start any problem. Politics and politics have to stay away from religion. Follow your god from heart and respect all other religions.
Thank you for reading. For more follow- what maybe you don't know about health and politics
Politicians are using religion word more compare to devotees.