Recommended annual blood test. Part-2

Introduction: Hi guys it's a series of annual recommend blood tests. Today I am discussing about "liver function test".
Liver function test

Topic discussion: The liver function test is generally we can do for regular checkup and also for different medical conditions like liver fat, enlargement of liver, liver cancer etc.
       Liver function test is a panel for the diagnosis of different liver enzymes and fluids in our liver. The tests are
1. Bilirubin (Direct and total).
4. Total protein.
5. Album.
6. Globulin
7. A:G(Albumin: Globulin)
8. GGT.
9. Prothrombim time.

Why liver function test is necessary?
  Function of liver in our body is huge because our liver acts on,
Metabolic function- It play a major role in carbohydrate, protein, lipids, minerals and vitamin metabolism.
Excretory function- Bile salt, bile pigment and cholesterol are excreted in the bile into intestine.
Hematological functions- It participate in the formation of blood, synthesis of plasma protein and destruction of erythrocytes.
Protective functions and detoxification- kupffer cells of liver take place in killing foreign particles. Ammonia detoxified any liver and form urea.
Storage functions- Glycogen, vitamin A, vitamin D, vitamin B12 and trace element iron stored in liver.

Liver function test

Now I will discuss about all the tests mentioned-
Bilirubin - It's a bile pigment, and it's a end product of mature red cell destruction. High level of bilirubin can be cause bye different liver diseases and jaundice. Abnormal yellowish skin seen due to increase level of bilirubin in blood. Normal level of bilirubin is 0.2-1.0 mg/dl.

SGPT/ALT- it is an enzyme, liver cells contain so many enzymes but particular enzyme diagnosis can you show us different abnormal liver condition. Increased level of SGPT occurs due to alcohol-related liver diseases, fatty liver disease, hepatitis and liver cirrhosis. Normal level of SGPT is 5-40 IU/l.

SGOT- This enzyme also secreted form liver cells. High level of SGOT found in blood circulation due to hepatitis C, fatty liver disease and liver cirrhosis. Normal level of SGOT is 5- 45 IU/l.

Total protein- Total protein test measures the amount of protein present in the blood serum or urine. Total protein test can detect normal or abnormal protein levels, which can help diagnose medical conditions, such as kidney and liver diseases. Normal level of total protein is 6-8 g/dl.

Albumin- Albumin maintain fluid level of our body, it keep the level of fluid in our blood stream. It is a protein which is made by our liver. Higher level of albumin can be caused due to diarrhoea or dehydration. If someone have high level of albumin doesn't mean they have medical condition. Increase level of albumin can be caused due to different drug, hormone etc. Normal level of albumin is 3-5 g/dl.

Globulin- It also a protein which is present in our liver. Globulins are 4 types- alpha 1, alpha 2, beta and gamma globulin protein. High levels of globulin can be cause due to infection and inflammatory diseases or immune disorders etc. Globulin levels is normally half of protein levels (3-5 g/dl).

Albumin globulin ratio: Here we find ratio of albumin and globulin levels of serum. The ratio is used to try to identify causes of change in total serum protein. Normal ratio is 1:1.

 GGT(Gamma glutamate transferase) - GGT can we found in different organs of our body but mainly due to several liver diseases it increase, in this condition liver and bile duct damage. Normal level of GGT is 9-48 U/l.

Prothrombin time- In different liver diseases blood clotting factors get affected. Due to lack of blood clotting factors bleeding can leads to severe condition. Normal level of PT-INR is 11-13.5 second.

Thank you everyone. Hindi next part of this series I will discuss about any other regular blood test.
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