Effects of malaria.

Malaria is my today's topic, reasone for choosing this topic is masson started in India. Malaria is a potential infection it is caused by a few different species.T of Plasmodium namely single-cell particles scatter surrounded by mosquitoes and Plasmodium it enters the blood stream and begins infecting and destroying mainly liver cells and red blood cells cause a various symptoms and sometimes even death malaria is a major health issue in the world. A problem that affects millions of people especially young children under five years, pregnant women patients and others health conditions such as HIV and AIDS as well travelers who were not previously described malaria.
Hot and humid regions are beaten It is very difficult together districts form a malaria band which is a wide band around that initiate including most of Latin America sub-saharan Africa South Asia as well Southeast Asia. There are 100 of species Plasmodium strains but only 4 causes malaria in humans and that is Plasmodium falciparum, plasmodium vivax, plasmodium malae, plasmodium closed again Plasmodium Noah sees Plasmodium vivax uses a specific urethra a reception area called duffy antigen and other people especially those with sickle cell anemia of this deficiency receptor meaning Plasmodium vivax they cannot get into their cells in another names with sickle cell anemia genetically related to having a relative protection from Plasmodium vivax other diseases such as thalassemia and g6pd deficiency causes the virus to become infected with the virus ureter site and more exposed to it dies due to oxidative stress so it is in vain which is clear from the rest these diseases contribute to guilt when it comes to eradicating malaria infection is actually because you have malaria historically it was distributed in Africa genes under which these diseases occur it is thought to be ecological choose profit therefore very common in the genetic pool.
Now malaria begins when Plasmodium Anopheles mosquito infection blood meal dinner in all night like a little flight vampire mosquitoes attracted by carbon the carbon that is already breathing as the body smells of feet in this indicate that Plasmodium is in the category development called sporozoite wait patiently for the mosquitos intestinal obstruction when mosquitoes pierce human skin has a long needle and needle a muscle with a clay called a proboscis. Small sporozoites such as sporozoites protrude outwards mosquito saliva and do it on bleeding within minutes sporozoites reach the liver and insert attacks on parenchymal hepatic cells where she began to give birth to a literal offspring also known as skin you this time the Plasmodium varieties they differ slightly from next to next weeks Plasmodium falciparum, plasmodium malaria and Plasmodium Knology sporozoites increase sexual intercourse again maturity in Mara zou lights while handling hepatic parenchymal cells die difference in the next few months years Plasmodium vivax in plasmodium ovale sporozoites enter dormant hepatic stage in which they are called Hypno's oh hypnotized don't separate instead they dance for a while before entering the coat of arms Pain that causes a long delay in between initial infection and symptoms from This disease is called urine XO by the siddik section because it is possiblebout of the ground you remember or red blood cell and is usually asymptomatic then Marisa's lights are removed blood and each binds a more receptor and attacks red blood cells cell plasmodium closed and plasmodium falciparum attacks all red blood cells years and Plasmodium vivax prefers attack small reticulocytes red blood cells I am a plasmodium and plasmodium malaria Nala C prefers to attack old red blood cellsonce inside a red blood cell Marisa white gets sex reproduction and series of changes change this.

Malaria is a potential infection it is caused by a few different species.T of Plasmodium namely single-cell particles scatter surrounded by mosquitoes and Plasmodium it enters the blood stream and begins infecting and destroying mainly liver cells and red blood cells cause a various symptoms and also causes death in some cases. Latin America sub-saharan Africa South Asia as well Southeast Asia. There are 100 of species Plasmodium strains but only 4 causes malaria in humans and that is Plasmodium falciparum, plasmodium vivax, plasmodium malae and Plasmodium Noah.

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