Hi guys, today I'm talking about Anemia.
So what is anemia? Well, anemia is a shortage or a reduction in the number of red blood cells. So there aren't as many red blood cells in the body as we need,and as you can imagine this leads to a decrease inthe oxygen delivery to tissues. And really it's the decreasein the oxygen delivery to the tissues that account for all of the symptoms of anemia. So for example, if the brain, if there is not enough oxygen being delivered to the brain you get symptoms such as fatigue, right, so you start to feel really tired, right. Dizziness, dizziness, apatient can start to feel really dizzy if their brainisn't receiving enough oxygen & it can become really difficult to think and to concentrate. What about if the heartdoesn't receive enough oxygen? Well that leads to chest pain, and as you can imagine chest pain really starts to occur insituations where the heart is working harder than it usually does. So situations such as exercise, because when we exercise our heart beats not only faster but it beats stronger than it does at rest, and that means that the heart needs moreoxygen than it does at rest. So if the person who is exercising also suffers from anemia, in which there is a reduction thenumber of red blood cells and a reduction in the oxygen being delivered to the heart that can precipitate anepisode of chest pain, and that also happens insituations of emotional stress because we know thatwhen we're freaking out our heart starts to beat really fast and of course that meansit needs more oxygen, and again chest pain becomes a problem. And another thing that happens is when there aren'tenough red blood cells the skin starts to appearpale, and that's called pallor. When the skin kind of loses itscolor, that's called pallor. So I made a big fuss, Imade a big deal to say that oxygen is reallyimportant for the functioning and the survival of allthe tissues in the body so you better believethat the body recognizes immediately when there isn't enough oxygen being delivered to the tissues and it does its absolute best to fix that problem, ok, and it does that in abunch of different ways, and I think that it's alot easier to understand if we go back to this truck analogy. So what if you were themanager of this whole system and all of the sudden your customers, the government, stores and the people, weren't getting enough money because there was a shortage in the number of trucks.
What would you do? Well you might start off by saying "we need to increase the count of money that we pack into each of these trucks, so that each truck is carrying more money" and that would be a greatidea but after a short while you'd recognize that heythe trucks are packed full of money they can't hold any more. So you gotta come upwith another solution, and that other solution might be to make these trucks drive faster. So you would increase the speed at which these trucks aretraveling so that they can reach the customers more quickly, turn right back around,get loaded up with money at the warehouse and thengo right back out there to deliver that money once again. So you'd be increasingthe speed of the trucks to increase the amountof money being delivered per unit time, would also be a good idea. And finally when you have a second you'd get right on the phone with the guy who supplies you with yourtrucks and you tell him to increase his production of trucks and send them your way so that you can address the problem at the source, right? Well that's exactly howour body, I mean exactly how our body deals withthe situation of anemia. So first it addressesthe issue by increasing the amount of oxygen that'sbrought into the body. How can we possibly do that? Well we can do that by breathing faster, or increasing our respiratory rate, the rate at which we breathe.
Second thing that thebody does is it says hey let's pump out these red bloodcells from the heart faster so that they can deliverthe oxygen to the tissues come right back, getloaded up in the lungs and then get pumped out again, ok so the heart says I'm gonna send these out with a greater velocity,I'm gonna pump faster and it increases the heart rate, ok? And then finally the body tries to address the issue at its very core, so it tries to increase red blood cell production, to sort of counteract the anemia, and we'll talk a little bit more later about how that's possible, how you can go about increasing redblood cell production and whether that worksor not, whether the body responds by making morered blood cells or not.
Thank you guys, keep following-